What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee . . . my Lord.
What time I am assailed by mounting trepidation---
and all its flood of terrors on my craven soul outpoured---
I will rely upon the joy of sure salvation,
and in that gift of Grace my soul finds exultation.
The splendor of this prayer
The splendor of this prayer goes beyond its literary prowess, which is considerable as always; what makes this monumental is how it was answered in such an inspiring way.
And so it now beams as a landmark on your spiritual path and a testimony of faith's power. Whenever I read your heartfelt devotions, I often feel that King David has met his contemporary match.
Wow! I don't even have the
Wow! I don't even have the words to respond to this. I feel very humble in the face of such a marvelous compliment. And the understanding and comprehension you bring to my poems goes beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you for making this day so much brighter than it, otherwise, would have been.
Trust me, it's a joy and a
Trust me, it's a joy and a privilege to express my impressions of your work.