Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; The Cosmos Addresses Christ, Its Creator, In Whom It Consists

[a poem for Patriciajj, for Christmas]


. . . He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

---Colossians 1:17

 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of 

kings is to search out a matter.

---Proverbs 25:2

These human beings you made and placed quite far
from my center, are relatively few;
one world they dwell in, and one minor star
sustains them from a sky of perfect hue
that, on your Light's spectrum, suffests Your Nearing.
Too many haters, and too many lovers
of self and yet, though not wholly endearing,
this species---over time and space---discovers
that which has been Your glory to conceal.
That which, by their own efforts, they reveal,
they gather in their own cosmology
to be the core of all their poetry,
the constant that gives their poems gravity,
the breath which vivifies its nspiration.
This is Your plan and You have called them to
this jubilant and privileged delectation.
Author's Notes/Comments: 

In my opinion, Patriciajj is the supreme cosmological Poet on  Her poetry in this subject is an abundant source of both verbal beauty and spiritual wisdom.

The term "Nearing" is used to describe the Blue Shift in physics, astronomoy, and cosmology, as an indicator of nearness.

The poem also alludes to Genesis 2:7.

November 23, 1976 through December 26, 2021.

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"Creativity is intelligence

"Creativity is intelligence having fun." —Albert Einstein.


You must have been having blast when you extracted this supreme intelligence combined with "jubilant and privileged delectation" from the ethereal. You went beyond the cosmic to the realm of creation and the first stirrings of life, before poetry was even a concept in the human mind.


To have creation, in all its visible and yet-to-be known splendor, address the Creator is your most astounding idea to date. The way you make our miniscule place in the unfathomable vastness seem at once like a speck of dust and the dearest thing to the heart of God is one of the best examples of the cosmological poetry you refer to. 


And I'm completely in love with the word "Nearing" with all its factual references, nuances and profound implications. A stunning choice that changes everything. You also did a superb job weaving allusions into your grandeur. 


I'm being honest here: I would be writing this same review even if this poem wasn't gifted to me. And what a gift! I accept with the greatest, heartfelt gratitude.


God bless you. 

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Thank you so much for those

Thank you so much for those kind words and that very validating comment.  I am glad you liked the word "Nearing."  It comes from the little that I know about Doppler shifts of light in astronomy---red show a moving away, and blue shows a moving near.  (I have to thank Edwin Hubble's research into galaxy expansion for first showing me that concept.)  That is why Cerulean appears in my poetry as a name, and a named person.  Eliot spoke of "blue of Mary's color" in Ash Wednesday and, while I do not think he was then (1927) aware of Hubble's findings, it gives contemporary readers another meaning to bring to that manigificent line,

   Thanks again for the comment.  The poem could have taken form without the precedent of your Cosmic Poetry.
