At 6:46 AM, Or So, In The Morning

Across the vastness of the universe---

the Cosmos!---Christ, the Kindly Merciful,

reached here, out of the Highness of His Throne,

to save, redeem, and nourish my poor soul.

Before the worlds had been called forth and named;

before the sticky smear of perfidy

had stained my life, His Kingdom had reserved,

within itself, a place for even me.

Though shattered by my own heinous mistakes,

I have been made, by Him, entirely whole;

I have been called to joy by Him Who is

the Christ, God's Son, Kindly and Merciful.


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a special oil, that keeps the whole machine in motion


Whenever I think of my own mistakes, I think too, of God’s readiness to forgive them… provided we in turn, readily forgive the mistake of others.


It is a profound machinery, that God has put in motion. The very foundation of creation itself– is in fact, an endless pallet of God’s mercies… and hence the recommendation to all of us, to abide by its founding principles… to liberally douse our lives, with love and forgiveness.


It is that special oil, that keeps the whole machine in motion.


But where it is lacking, the machinery breaks down.


A recommendation, that bears remembering.




Psalm 86:5-7

5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. 6 Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord; hear my urgent cry. 7 I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble, and you will answer me.


And so too, must we be to others.



J-9thxciv's picture

Thank you for that excellent

Thank you for that excellent comment.  The 86th Psalm is indeed very beautiful and very spiritual, and is great as a guide to personal prayer.  I really appreciate your words, and that you took the time to post such an excellent comment.
