Melodies XLIX; Dust Thou Art, And Unto Dust

[inspired by Spinoza's poem, "let us forgive one another"]

The dust of interstellar space is, perhaps, its most extensive commodity.

The smallest molecular accumulations of atoms unnoticed, or the largest asteroidal

fileds removed,as intrusions or obstructions, from lanes of commerce or communication

are, at the most primeval level and identity, dust.

Some dust achieves gravitas, and coalesces into nebular clouds and then stars

that ignite to produce both light and warmth, and to fuse the heavier elements.

Some dust achieves chaos, to cripple the engines of interstellar transport, or choke

off the sustenance of planetary atmostpheres to the extinction of civilizations.

We are dust that was raised, through no merit of its own, to sentience; and from

sentience to self-awareness; and from self-awareness to conscientiousness; and from

conscientiousness to the presence and perspective of the soul.  We occupy the

fragility of our lives to give the cosmos knowledge of itself,;and, from such

knowledge, rightly received, shall come the sacrificial offering of gratitude.

We are not inferior to stars, nor superior to debris; for all of that,

all that is and has been and shall be is dust---as we are,

and have been,

and shall be.

To this we are called to bear witness:

in the phases of our technology,

in the phrases of or poetry

and in the contours and contexts of our community.

We are dust; we are called to constellate the darkness with light,

the silence with resonance,

and the void with life.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The title is taken from Genesis 3:19.

Spinoza's poem, cited in the headnote, is one of the finest poems I have read on this site, or elsewhere---and I have been reading poetry since the Spring of 1973.  I have posted my poem raw---this is the first draft, with only a few tweaks as it was accumulating on the screen---because I wanted to preserve the inspiration of my initial response to Spinoza's brilliantly profound and profoundly resonant poem.

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Spinoza's picture

one of the better angels among us


We are all of us, called out of the cosmic dust – to create light. Of this, I have no doubt – as we are all children of the light.


The dust of supernovas – we are. From the brightest objects, we are made. A noble dust made of the brightest stars – with the cosmic spark of life.


We are made of that dust – cast out, by an explosion of light.


That is why it is written…


Hebrews 2:7 – You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honour.


Psalm 82:6 – I have said, 'You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.


God chooses his materials, very carefully… like a painter chooses his colour palettes… and a poet, his words.


A little lower than angels – crowned with glory and honour… and I take that to mean, we are God’s co-creators of light – or at least, built to reflect it… for we are made in His image, and God is light.


So it is only natural, that He would gather our dust – from the explosive light of supernovas.


And what a bonfire of a beacon we can be – when our human spirits are fully ignited.


And the better angels among us – once again, become shining stars.


You my dear friend, are one of the stars.


And certainly, one of the better angels among us.





J-9thxciv's picture

Thank you for that splendid

Thank you for that splendid cimment, and for the compliments at its conclusion.  And most especially, thank you (and I an glad to say it again) for posting your magnificent poem, which I look forward to visiting again quite soon.

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]