[after Constantine Cavafy's poem, "Sculptor Of Tyana,"
and Sylvia Path's poem, "Colossus"]
Imaging the design of your form and contours;
composing you out of the rawest materials;
presenting you to the Stratonikians during festivities:
these were not mere linear events, but three distinct
phases of the star that lit my soul's too empty sky.
Not even the haters, the prudes, and the prejudiced
have been able to prevent your erection in the
flowered meadows, just beyond Stratonikia, the
fields of Hyacinth and Calumus, where the lavender
flowers eagerly release their nectar at any probing tongue.
Although your body's beauty is homogenous, the
soul that your face expresses is fluid---
Eros, Ganymede, Narcissus, Hylas, Patroclus prior to the War---
so I name you Mousa Paidike, at the suggestion of
Straton the Poet, who bears the city in his name.
Your limbs I have fashioned to the delicacy of an
adolescent boy's; your love-gladdened smile still bears an
awareness of the hatreds that infect some brutal,
brawney and braindeadened thugs whose bravery is
only emboldened after a tankard of rancid brew.
Not for me, the boast of innovating:
moving parts beneath your pectorals bring a firming;
small pumps, water driven and driving water, raise
that gnomon-like device through which the finest
harvested honey flows at even the least of effort.
I was the awkward and clumsy kid, who could not
run very fast---in footraces, or from beatings. A little too
chubby around the edges, a little too
myopic in the directed gaze; a little too
pipsqueak in the voice, afflicted with stammer and stutter:
my ugliness (I no longer eschew the term or the
concept it conveys) was vouchsafed---given---blessed with---the
vision of beauty from which you emerged;
you who did not disdain nor detest my appearance;
you who surged beneath the artistry of my hands and fingers.
Now as the sun departs from the West with its pinkening flourish, and
stars arise in the East to constellate the night sky's unflawed sable:
I put my very mouth upon you to impart the pleasures that both of
us deserve; my kisses all over you, my lips' caresses, my tongue's
language mounting the notch of that little bridle, there to receive the sweerness.
An upsurge of innovative and
An upsurge of innovative and glorious metaphors; one would have to be brain dead not to feel its ravishing bliss, its ecstatic pulse. The idea of the lover as sculptor was an ingenious device to create visuals of the beloved. Add to that astronomical and classical references, expressions of heartfelt gratitude and, of course, the release, and you have one stunning monument to defiant passion and love.
A work of splendor.
Thank you. I must confess
Thank you. I must confess that I had hoped you might comment on this one, and that hope has been addressed. I am grateful that you understand, as you always do, exactly what I am trying to do in this series, and in all of those poems of mine that you visit. Thanks again for your kindness.
And, lol, I did correct the stupid mis-spell which was actually one of my arthritic typos. Sorry it was still there when you read through the poem.
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
A completely understandable
A completely understandable and minor error. That you power through the pain to create superb art is impressive. God bless.