That summer's sultriest Friday night was
cloudless and still, so full of stars and silence
that the mundane world around us seemed,
somehow and for once, unintrusive and
unimportant, even unexistant, despite the
parental and peerpressued prejudices that
were only waiting until breakfast to pounce again.
Moved by the tableaux just outside your window,
you turned off the lights in your room, and in the
rest of the house as you walked through it.
No need for shoes to disturb the quiet;
no need for a shirt to cover your bare torso, as
you waist-length hair cascaded in profuse curls
over that tan flesh. Beneath the frayed cuffs of
your baggy, bell-bottom jeans, the grass seemed
warm and soft against the soles of your striped socks.
You recognized certain constellations, although that
sort of knowledge was not taught in by the high
school you attended and to which you must return at
summer's end. Neither did that estimable instution
inform you that the very elements of which your
body consists were fused from hydrogen in the
seething cores of stars that, afterward, exploded
long ago. Likewise, your jeans and socks, and the
silk thong that caresses and clings to your pubicals (as
you have named that area) are also constituted of
starspray, similar to cosmic semen that vivified certain
compounds of matter into life itself, with the
opportunity to acquire the experience of having a soul.
Yours is in its ideally preferred environment: this
backyard (really your parents' but you live here), this
casual style of clothing and appearance, and this
very private time which, like dawn and dusk, always
seem to turn your thoughts to exquisite, homogenous love.
With grace and alluring
With grace and alluring skill, you once again reached way, way up and drew the ancient worlds down. I loved the way you constructed your lover from star stuff—not only accurate according to physics but mystically significant and poetically dazzling.
The serene passion and soft-flowing magnetism is palpable in the casual, intimate conversation you have with the reader. And then there's that bonus delight: sticking it to the stuffy parents.
Another radiant moment in your starlit idyll.
Thank you. I have said
Thank you. I have said before, and I will not hesitate to say it now, your comments help this series to keep going. Thank you so much for the encouragement.