Poem For Good Friday, 2021

In this world we have ruined, severe aggravation

attacks us without the least hesitation.

Sadness seeks to intrude upon and annoy

even the least moment of jubilation.

Events that seem unusually chaotic

attempt to push us further to the entropic.

Yet, on this day, dying upon a Roman cross,

God's Son poured Himself out to assuage our loss;

to redeem us from the inherence of our sin;

to lift us out of the wallow of the "might have been."
And to restore unto us the exultent joy---

as David caled it---of the Common Salvation,

that we celebrate on this weekend in the Great Congregation.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem alludes to Philippians 2:7, as well as the four Gospel accounts of the Crucifixion of Christ; and it quotes Psalms 35:18, and 51:12; which, in this late stage of my life, have become my favorite verses, as well as Jude 3, a verse that has ministered to me since I first read it in the spring of 1976.

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word_man's picture

this is the beginning of the

this is the beginning of the end,the govt is ushering in the new world order

lucifer is having a field day at our expence

ron parrish

S74rd4rd157's picture

Thank you for the comment. 

Thank you for the comment.  It is only the beginning of an only temporary end, in which the adversary does not get the last word.  The Book of Revelation is full of tremendous hope and comfort.  And believe what the Apostle Saint Paul told the Thessalonian Christians, that the Church would be spared from that wrath and raptured out.  And then we will have a SWEET situation indeed.


word_man's picture

that`s our hope,and of course

that`s our hope,and of course licifer will fail in the end

ron parrish

S74rd4rd157's picture

Yes, sir, right into that

Yes, sir, right into that seething lake of Fire.
