. . . even now are there many antichrists . . .
---1 John 2:18
A lot of torch light during a slow burn---
quite economic (even I discern
that): Christians squirm and writhe when set to flame,
because they have questioned---defied---denied---
the glory of my skilled, artistic fame
that I, as Imperator, have proclaimed
(and I congratulate me, unashamed).
Poetic skill and godhood crown my name.
Those ancient scrolls---dusty, unread, and rotten
with worms and mites---will be ever forgotten;
along with Vergil (verbose faggot) too.
Throughout the whole empire, both far and wide,
my epic verses will have dominated;
and readers will gaze on my lines with looks
of admiration---fished caught with hooks
deftyly, adroitly, masterfully baited.
Voices in my head---when awake, asleep
(they have made me the lair in which they lurk)---
assure me that my first and foremost work
is the expression of my own heartseep.
Well done, well
Well done, well written.
Self awareness is a useful trait, one Nero probably had in short supply. I know very little of him or of Rome really but I enjoyed your poem, had to read out loud so I could really experience it.
Long days and pleasant nights
This is one of the finest,
This is one of the finest, and I do mean FINEST, compliments that I have ever received here at postpoems or elsewhere. And, coming from you, it is especially meaningful to me. At the moment, I am experiencing an embarrassing loss of words, hence the shortness of my response. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.