+ 27.225 MHz: Prayer In Old Age

Lord, I think that I feel impending death.
This failing carcass is full of desires,

that haters like to judge as rampant lust
(on whixh my flesh can neither move nor act).

Bur Lord, your Sovereign Grace firmly inspires---

whenever my own terrors have attacked---

that Your Redemption covers what I lacked,

and when I have so often groped or failed,

the joy of Your Salvation has prevailed;

and in your Mercy I can always trust.

Because, as Jesus taught us, I believe,

I know:  at my death, Heaven will receive

my soul into that Kingdom's celebration

of Christ's Glory with unbound jubilation . . .

just after I release that final beath.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem alludes to KJV Psalm 51, and to several verses of assurance in the Gospel of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John.

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Pungus's picture


Your a most impressive modern-day poet.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

S74rd4rd157's picture

Thank you for one of the

Thank you for one of the finest compliments I have ever received.  I have been experiencing a miserable day, bur your comment has made me feel much better.  Thanks again!
