Of all the witnesses at that small rise
(called, in the Roman language, Calvary),
you were most tortured by terror, and sorrow;
which you knew would not subside on the morrow;
or even by the sunrise, two days hence:
with no escape from them, and no defense
against them. You tried gamely to persuade
Him to refuse, reject, flee and evade
the prospect of this sacrificial death,
which He completed, and, in dying breath,
declared the whole, salvific pupose finished.
This would bring human tears to fleshly eyes.
And, though, still prince of this world and its air,
your hateful and damnable strategy---
to bring all of sinful humanity
(such multitudes!) that must accompany
you into Lake Fire for eternity--
has been destroyed, not just merely diminished.
Now, this is final, and you have to bear
the knowledge that delivers looming fear
to you as the final reckoning draws near.
What an ingenious strategy:
What an ingenious strategy: to view the earth-shaking event that changed everything from the viewpoint of the one who had the most to lose. Two thousand years later, the Epitome Of Evil writhes in terror and defeat.
An inspiring message from a unique perspective. Wonderful..
Yes, I used to shock my
Yes, I used to shock my Sunday School class by telling them that the devil was more sorrowful than anyone else during the Crucifixion.
Thank you for the comment. Please forgive my brevity; I have taken a powerful antibiotic and one of its effects is exhaustion and dizziness.