Just knowing that one talented poet took the time to delve into my work and have faith in me is all I need. Thank you many times over for this deeply moving vote of confidence. Your support will never be forgotten.
Thank you for the compliment. It is so ironic that, between 1976 and 1980, while reading Milton, Eliot, Vergil, and Stevens, I always wondered what it would be like to watch, to witness, the ongoing development of such greatness, to see that greatness putting itself together in the flow of time. And now, in my old age, when I can really appreciate it, I am seeing exactly that process---in and through your poems.
And thanks for the reply. Postpoems has fulfilled two of my long-held dreams: to have a place to publish my poems, and to see a Poet of Greatness at work, to see a towering collection emerge before my eyes---like a stop-motion record of star formation in a nebula. I will applaud you as long as I have applause in me.
Just knowing that one
Just knowing that one talented poet took the time to delve into my work and have faith in me is all I need. Thank you many times over for this deeply moving vote of confidence. Your support will never be forgotten.
Thank you for the
Thank you for the compliment. It is so ironic that, between 1976 and 1980, while reading Milton, Eliot, Vergil, and Stevens, I always wondered what it would be like to watch, to witness, the ongoing development of such greatness, to see that greatness putting itself together in the flow of time. And now, in my old age, when I can really appreciate it, I am seeing exactly that process---in and through your poems.
Your advice, inspiration and
Your advice, inspiration and support has kept me motivated. Thank you for lighting my path with your kindness.
And thanks for the reply.
And thanks for the reply. Postpoems has fulfilled two of my long-held dreams: to have a place to publish my poems, and to see a Poet of Greatness at work, to see a towering collection emerge before my eyes---like a stop-motion record of star formation in a nebula. I will applaud you as long as I have applause in me.