At A Plea For Forgiveness, 2

Oh, Lord, I am more heinous than that thief
who, with You on that day, was crucified
by Pilate's order, and hung near your side.
I have brought some who have loved me to grief;

have spoken in hard spite without relief;

like Saint Paul wrote, of sinners I am chief!

But You said You came to Earth to invite
not the righteous but sin-trapped folks into

the Glorious Enfulgence of Your Light.
And long before my lifetime started, You
sought my redemption and, for my life, died

in order to secure my soul's Salvation,
and save me from a well-deserved damnation.

You gave this to me just for my belief

upon Your promise, even though You knew
the kind of reprobate that I would be

(Your kinsman's letter clearly declares
that Christians sin, and fail, in many ways---
and this shrewd observations never spares
not one of us who has faith, and who prays).

The Father has declared that You, His Son,
will judge me---not on what my flesh has done,

but on this question:  Has my soul believed

the saving Gospel that I have received?

Or, did my soul accept, without rejection,

my Savior's Death and Resurrection?---

that makes my future utterly secure,

despite what disbelievers might prefer.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Scriptures consulted:  Luke 23:40-42; 1 Timothy 1:15; Luke 5:32; John 8:12; Romans 5:8 and 8:29; James 3:2 and 1 John 1:8; John 3:15; 2 Timothy 1:12.  

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SSmoothie's picture

Very thought provoking,

Very thought provoking, uneasy and comforting at the same time. Great write!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you very much, I sure

Thank you very much, I sure do appreciate the compliment.
