Out of the bitter bloat bound in that bulbous head,
came this theory for the dialectical dead,
as Lenin's mouth, enlarged by Hell's own, said:
"To love---advocate---revolt---even kill---for the masses
"is easier than to do so for the individual:
"for the masses, one cannot be held responsible
"for harm or neglect to the individual
"a primary duty of what was once the soul,
"which Soviet common senses abolish on principle.
"We need not bother watching as it passes.
"This is neither cruel nor crass;
"such values are not Marxist material,
"and not at all a mystery.
"We did not hesitate, even, to slay
"four adolescent girls who happened to be in the way
"of our Locomotive of History.
"Lev, Little Joe, and you, old Stone Ass.
"record this in your pages:
"in the Communist paradise, and all of its stages,
"I am the most emininent of Marxist sages."
All I can say is wow.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.