Sipping Lemonade, The Evolutionist Tells You---

You are a creature of the sea,
that climbed from it precariously;
and left to dry,
but not to die,
you cross this land
of arid sand
by any means.
Your skinny jeans
may start to fade
to some light shade.
Over the rocks
glide your dark socks;
across the toes
a thin, white seam
in high noon's sunlight sports a gleam.
Did you not dream
journeys like this
(the kinds that kill
those who fall still);
but not you. Your ambition
refuses that dead-end condition,
for yourself, even alone.
Beyond that stone,
is water, cold and pure to drink.
Drag yourself over with a groan.
You are the first.
Put down the phone.
Quenching your thirst,
take time to think;
make logic's link.
The words may now come haltingly.
In time, they will become high poetry.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Cf. Wallace Stevens' poem, "The Revolutionists Stop For Orangeade."

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breanna_shaylee's picture

i love the flow of this poem.

i love the flow of this poem. It has been a long time since i have sat down to read poetry and this one took my breath away.



i have missed You my dear Poet.

Breanna Shaylee

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Great to hear from you!

My goodness, this is marvelous!  How have you been?  Thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate it.  But how have you been?  Where have you been?  I have missed you very much, and hope we can catch up.
