At The Evangelist Saint Luke's Gospel 16:19-31

Outside the rich man's gate, he made no fuss.
We know him as our Brother, Lazarus.

The rich man screams eternally in hell.
But his name?---none of the saved, elect, can tell.

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Scholars Debate

the nature of hell, religious men of faith who claim a special insight or visitation calling themselves saints and blessed. Rationale scholars examine multiple texts and posit theories that are proofs of God and the nature and temperature of Hell. The ultimate metaphors and parables say more to me than a billion pages of text about what the Bible really means. It's a heart thing. It's a soul acknowledging all existence. "none of the saved, elect can tell". I like this writing that captures the essenses of belief. - slc



J-9thxciv's picture

Your comment is so deep that

Your comment is so deep that I am not sure how to respond, except to say thank you.  And I agree, poetry especially is all about a soul acknolwedging existence.  (And that phrase, in your comment, is one of the most brilliant metaphysical statements that I have ever read.)

J-9thxciv [fka Starward]