Miss nothing in your life,
It may pass
It may return
But to miss it
will cause your soul
to long and burn
Missing all the wonderful
That flows in return
Nothing is lost
as long as
Memories remain
To live in the past
is to live in vain
I miss nothing
in your universe
Once the queen of
A vast empire of some thing
Will not miss a thing
I miss nothing
in your your universe
I Will never be a miss nothing in mine
May your story
continue to blossom and bloom
In a way that always works for you
"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr
Thanks roc, it's for someone
Thanks roc, it's for someone I care about going through a necessary divorce... She can't see the light yet. In time I pray she will! Hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
With you
standing behind her....I have faith, that she will
"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr