La la la la la la lah
I'm not hearing you
Back the fuck up
Twisted bitch
I know it's you
You, who pulls the shit strings
You, who couldn't give a shit about feelings
Cutting and pulling and twisting theirs
I refuse to let your twisted hate bloom
A field of fire
Engulfing your antics
is all I want to see
Snap! crackle! pop!
with out your crappy dumps
And silly pedantic interpretations
From pails of shit,
Keep that shit string taut
Licking ass and all counterfeit
A set up for that niggle
The bitch itch you must scratch,
Go scratch another ass,
Twisted bitch
thanks, but no thanks.
hmmmm, going to think about
hmmmm, going to think about this one.
This rant tickled me! Let it fly! ;-)
Ha! I live to tickle your
Ha! I live to tickle your fancy! ; thanks Beaves HugSS always
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."