Of white noise
Of black thoughts
My world has stopped
Shock of heart
Loss of logic
Defied truths
Can't make it out
Stuck in a haze
Stay here whizzed
Don't think
Don't talk
Don't feel
If you
don't answer
I won't have
to know
It's true.
Can't think
Won't feel
Don't talk
White noise hide
Black thoughts.
It didn't happen
If I stay here
Stuck in snow
No one will know
if All I hear is white
im not sure if i understand it
But it is very intense!
Dont look for me, I'll find you ~Moonshadow
The speaker's words reflect
The speaker's words reflect many people's feelings in the 21st Century, a century which has not improved much on the previous one, but has given a new meaning to violence and meaninglessness. The poem is a cry for connection and understanding. Behind the hard words lies a sensitive, caring soul yearning to be heard. The poem makes a good job of bringing this to light in an artistic way. Thanks for sharing!