trickle, trickle... trickle
everyday the mead of my creativity
drains from my soul through the pores
of my sweated skin
I wipe my brow more and it brings me
less. I ache I tire I perspire.
my mind slowly closes the door
locking out inspirations
trickle, trickle... trickle
I pray it never stops
let the trickle become a
stream let the stream become a river
let the river become an ocean with tides
bursting and washing over leaving
the gems of creative enlightenmet behind
let it beat down the doors of my mind
let it wash through my soul
for if I cannot create
I trickle, trickle... trickle
into despair.
I know that feeling! Just
I know that feeling! Just hang in there Ssweetie! You'll get through it!