Father the hate is as real as the denial

Forgive them, for they know not what they do

They hate me because they don't believe in you 

But you have sheltered me through every storm 

Forgeiven my unforgivable sin

Scooped me up in my lowest moments 

Lit my way in the darkest nights 

You helped me fly like angels in my successes 

You love me tenderly,

teach me the hardest lessons 

And straighten my path through the highlights of life 

You've blessed me and kept me 

Nourished and fed me 

All that I am is what I am grateful for 

Because I chose you of my own free will

You are my shield, my armour of truth 

Indescrible joy, 

Unwavering purpose 

You are the source of my soul 

The heart of my conviction 

And the compassion of my thought

And I can weather any storm and yet still love 

Those that of You and I would hate

And pray the scales come off their eyes

So that they may see the truth through our eyes 

And maybe hate a little less and love a whole lot more, may they see you in all the glory of everything

And realise there's is no price but a simple hope and faith in you.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I've been blessed and cursed and I've always found a blessing in every curse. Love you. Hugss 

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I have been reading poetry

I have been reading poetry since Spring, 1973 . . . and this is one of the finest testimonies of Faith that I have ever encountered, on this site, or elsewhere.  This sharing of personal Faith that finds bessings even in curses is what the best Poetry does.  I thank you for posting this excellent poem.  It will have a long career of affecting others who read it, and affecting them in the most spiritual way.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

SSmoothie's picture

Thank you. I appreciate the

Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment 

Its a personal thing I guess, I've been down a few times as some of my poetry can attest. You stick to what gets you through hugss and blessingss 


Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."