I had a smile

Cheese cranked up to ten

Neon  warmth glowing amber and red 

Their eyes lit with joyful recognition,

making a  bee line for me

Oh how I missed the days I proclaimed!

Remember this? Remember that?

They shrugged and nooded like fools, 

The two useless prats 

Oh look! There's my ride! 

I was glad to be rid of them, 

Not because they were terrible 

But because they put up with such tyranny 

And had no balls to cut loose like I did 

Quite frankly I don't even want to remember any of them! not anyone at all,

How good it is to be finally free? They ask;

Something you couldn't possibly understand 

Unless you're me.

More cheese and neon amber and red

Through gritted teeth...






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allets's picture


Back in good form! Cut the chord - feel the freedom as the ride arrives and leaves behind chains. As alway, well said ~S~



C03ru135c3n7's picture

A great and very precise

A great and very precise description, in poetry, of what many of experience.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

patriciajj's picture

I'm really feeling this! You

I'm really feeling this! You cleverly expressed those fake smiles and insincere greetings. Perfectly said. Bravo!