Yeah, remember that thing that made you think?
Or say ah?
or wow!
How did they do that?
That drive and desire to make you see differently
design has taken over
propaganda machine
the only valid art I’d unthought
malevalently planned
you are all orchestrated into a mirage
no clearing away pages
no listening to sages
just the one streamlined
information matchine
off you go living life,
the one they make you live
the one you don’t question
the one you’ve been told is right or left
and the awakened are slowly falling asleep
and the lambs to the slaughter
are the progeny of lost sheep.
Question everything
comment on everything
go against the grain
because someone has to
if we don’t we are all just instruments
of our own destruction
so art your life to bits
challenge every distortion
have the courage of convictions
and never fall asleep!
Art is medication for the drama of living
and there is no greater gift
than art for as and in giving
I got brainwashed. Then unbrainwashed. Then confused. What now?
Copyright © JessterStarshine
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Write about it. Share. Help others see differently and decide for themselves:)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."