The image of your sex hangs above me in all your glory
Shudders as Whispers materialize in my ear breath on a heartbeat
I love your cunt shiefs through the air
wet swetness pools
at the thought of your impending invasion
My body aching up breasts offered to the air of your missing mouth
How i want to wrap myself cock deep around you
Open lips mirror open lips
a desperate invitation over the airwaves
The warmth of your hands still lingers from so long ago
To devour every thick long inch of you
Pulsations give rise to gsping need
it hurts so damn good
I offer myself up to the image of you
My sex desperately waiting your return
Respected SS
I'd not like to be called a liar. Yes ! I read this. But ain't kids reading this !! ?? A true heartfelt poem.
Best wishes.
Offered up to the air?
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
I think I may need a cold shower now :p
"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr