Its too easy to fall into your armosphere
Saturated with feelings
Immersed in the moment
I am completely here
The joy of adventures exude from you
invitation envelopes like welcome warmth of home
I want to run with you jumping stars
carrying each other through
we could have easily forgone extraneous chatter
But it was far too necessary
Cautious eyes laid un-ultrustic lenses
Far too thick for us to shatter
At the tearing away of our own little universe in our eyes,
the shrieking peel of lifes direcion made its self clear.
The yokes pulled on opposite directions
Tonight we will forbid our spiritual highs
Its too easy to fall into my favourite fantasy
And just as hard to make it anything else
as always serendipity taunts
And cruel fates,
just wont let us be.
Shake off
any obstacles. This prose is ripe with drsire
well expressed and interesting
a pleasure to view!
Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
damn you fate! It'll always
damn you fate! It'll always let you back to where you hope to be, hard work permitting. Thats what I'm hoping anyway Hope your yokes are shrugged off.
Always enjoy the way you write, Ssmoothie.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
"...un-altruistic lenses..."
a great line, so applicable to dwellers in the 21st Century. "...too thick for us to shatter..." Into each life, a little poetry : D ~ Lady A ~