The Warm Shower Alone

I undressed and with a sigh

Always,always wondering why

Stepped into the shower alone

The warm water ran down my chest

Over and off the tip of my breast

And I watched this with my soul

Soap may cleanse my skin

But someone like me can never win

The war of the desires

Always tugging at my hearts needs

The conquerer ignores my pleas

And rides over me with his steed

Oh to drown and be done with it all

Then my soul will fly, not fall

I do not like the sound of this call

Water trickling down and out of sight

If only they could feel my plight

The ones who always want to fight

I want something I shall never obtain

Loneliness shall be snide and remain

To cause the heartbreak and the pain

No matter what I do

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What can I say, I went insane for awhile

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spider53's picture


teresa_r's picture

I can relate i have had some cyber relationships in the past that did not work out but now i am in one and he is a great guy that i have being talking to for 2 years now and its being good alot of my poems are about him. TERESA RIFE

Turki Amer's picture

i like this most:

"Oh to drown and be done with it all
Then my soul will fly, not fall
I do not like the sound of this call"

thanks for sharing

Angel's picture

A cyber relationship?? what were you thinking??

Gareth Sgail's picture

Very visual, very well thought out. You have a gift of putting the reader into the moment and allowing them to relate. Excellent.

William M. Sowman's picture

Erotic enjoyment? "Desire - A Chance Encounter" at postpoems.

bigluv21's picture

Nice poem. You expressed yourself very well.

Jerome Burdi's picture

Save me from this swallowing drain,This septic nightmare!

Teresa Jacobs's picture

Very good poem. I feel your pain. Well written. Great imagery. I just like this poem.

bettieblue's picture

i really enjoyed this poem..i can relate to i was in the position brought back a lot of memories..i wrote a poem about how ifelt at losing someone i loved..called tears..and i still think of him to this day..good work..liz.

tylerbaptiste's picture

hmm, I feel like this too often now, Always, ALWAYS fuckin getting into the shower alone, It's so peaceful in there. So warm, so friendly, so inviting, but without someone to share it with, it's so bleak and empty. and we all need compony, at least for a shower or two. :')