Stopwatch or stop, watch



Stop, watch. 


Both identical in letters yet add one space and they are polar opposites 

Stopwatch: a timer that starts and ends with a quantity. Could end in a goal or a new meaning. 

Stop, watch: an action that starts and has no end. You can't quantify or end it but you know it's happening. No category or classifications - just abstract 


Which do you want? 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Personally, I'm conflicted in which I want. 

A stopwatch can give me closure and a sense of security, which sometimes I most definitely need. But the strictness of it's quantities leave no room for contemperary emotions. If I could stop and watch. I could learn, laugh or love whatever this new thing holds. Then I could move on and do. No more stopping. Maybe we all need both, like an equal balance of structural and abstract thinking.


What do you think? What do you want? Or do you have your own definitons for each? 

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Perhaps. Stop, watch, listen, learn, love. Sometimes I had wished for a stop watch. In fact, I have a dead watch that I leave dead. Kinda feel like if I touched the Time time would speed up. I much prefer a slower pace. 


Enjoyed the read

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