Lust for Love

Wet tongues melt into sparked fire,
all the while cold sheets shift from warm blooded bodies.
Desire slides in and all around,
accompanied by grips of touch.
Again and over again,
hot lips masquerade up and around the familiar bliss.
Intoxicated lust stumbles into dissolved passion,
soaking the messied slumber.
Deeper into the unending abyss,
the euphoric dance swirls with every hypnotized intention.
Breaths are heavy with pleasure,
as the whims of open fantasy come to life.
Beads of sweat drop to sizzle
what's already on fire.
Uncovered bedsheets fall to the floor,
leaving more room to play.
Movement creating a dance leaves
the everlast of longing to take a stand.
Supple breasts soak the thirsty mouth
as those curious hands explore the definition of body.
Wrapped legs hold close
to continue the inviting possession.
What's not to hold but its lunar twin;
captivating universal release.
All over stimulating sensation,
enhance the highs of ecstasy.
Goosebumps chase one another
as highlights embrace settled fixation.
Resting afloat, once drowning in your pool,
releasing exhales of bottled erotica never known to exist.

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once we live to love

we cannot subdue our energies, nor are they contained only in the passions of love... Heated hearts have a way of asserting themselves into the most wonderful ways. If we then integrate the mind, body, flesh, and spirit, passions of the heart in a way become somewhat sacred. It is not just the desires but it is an opportunity for us to experience other deep intimacy with an undivided pleasure. Desires in such things as music, art, poetry, and dare I say even work...
You poet have written very tenderly about the beauty of passionate desires..

stay passionate

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot