Celestial Touch in a Puzzle Palace

Night is young,

as it glistens amidst the vast sky.

A well-knitted throw keeps warm,

for the cool brisk winds blow from the east.

Ships on the horizon flicker red,

right under the touch of moon's light.

Celestial dreams float afar,

sailing high above the many scattered diamonds;

into the mystic.

Awaiting for that call,

I'll soon call my own.

The very message,

which bottle rockets to the sky.

As to what I see,

are the illusional images of my ensemble.

Warm and kindred release,

brisks about with tease.

An exporer on its destined journies,

shooting sweet symphonies across the universe.

To be left with frequent shimmers,

as an essense of love's portrayal.

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

This is incredibly beautiful. It is not just a poem, it is an evocation---of mood, of color, of tone . . . and it sweeps the reader right off the page!

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

snshnexes's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!
