Those sappy romance movies
Portray a past of flowers, hugs, and kisses,
Contrary to the present which includes that
Last wilting rose in the vase on my bleak kitchen counter,
Too afraid to face the emptiness,
Too heartbroken to clutch onto the fading memory.
Couples clinging to eachother, in that temporary love.
Nothing can be permanent,
Evidence are the cracks in cement.
The grass seems greener with someone else,
But the scenary is so barren.
Crawling, mouth dry, dehydrated of love,
Sand in my eyes, salt in my mouth,
Tears in my eyes, and blood in my nose.
A cacophony of all the false words,
Flood my ears and leave scabs on my lobes.
The world spins eternally,
All the good and the bad twirling with it,
Sometimes I can see the blue sky,
But sometimes it is so intertwined with the gray clouds
I can't define the color.
The sunsets, however,
Are much more fulfilling now that your face
Doesn't cast a dark shadow over them.
My shoulders are lighter without your downpour,
Smiles more genuine and lips liberated from your venom kiss.
Cuddling in the arms of someone new is foreign but more meaningful,
And there is no shortage of kisses on the forehead,
Or blushing at compliments.
It's that fresh crush feeling I haven't felt with you since we met,
The fluttering heart you could never seem to start.
It's always a better day without you.
intersting... really your poetry shows me that you are a good and realistic and logic based poet... and the ideas and subjects are enough new and the way you do it is fantastic... yeah I mean it and love this piece of poem very much..and hope my poetry will also touch your heart if go through seriously..and let me know if its ok to your taste of soul...