I'm lost in this sea
The sea of people
Everyone around me
All of them the same
None that are like me
I am the one and only
Oh how I wish that someone
Could fall in love with me
Feeling empty and lost
Lost in this sea of sameness
Lost in the waters of the uniform
Looking for that one
The one that makes me happy
The one I can relate to
The one thats different
Different just like me
Wondering whats wrong with me
Why can't I fond him
Why is it that I'm alone
Alone with only me
Leaving home for college
Leaving the pain behind me
Going to new Waters
Waters of the sea of sameness
Although the waters different
The fish that swim there too
It will still be a sea of sameness
Maybe for me and you
Lost and Looking for it
The happiness i can have
Maybe I will find it there
In the different sea of sameness