All of who I was
First set out to be and
Part of who I’ve become
Was encoded
From the start.
It reminds me of
That from the beginning
Our body’s path was laid.
That that manual
Instructed our body
To become what it has.
But somewhere
Our circumstances
And our traumas
Became road blocks
We had to either
Go over or
Go around.
Our nurturing
Somewhere along
The way diverted
Us from our nature.
So sure we are meant
To look the way we do
But we were never meant
To think as we were supposed to.
" But we were never meant To
But we were never meant
To think as we were supposed to. "
Wow. Wrapping my head around that :)
I think am too.
We'll just keep writing 'til there's nothing left to write.
We'll just keep waiting 'til they read all our works left to right.