
Watch aglow, dissolved abrupt,
the fallout shaken from my cuffs.
Incandescent virulent,
infected and irradiant.
Forgive me not, my stalk and gait,
I walk this way to mediate
the luminous, contagious strain
that pour from mouths and sewer drain.
You'll want no part of my new dawn,
with greenest sun and wraith macabre.
The shambling organic throng
will greet the day with erupting song
made with tongueless, lipless maw;
heard by none beside the fall.
Contained within, corrupted now,
the heart of hearts with wayward bow
that leans toward the proper way
to suffer wrath of heart's decay.
And I wish to shed the parcel here
upon the rotted, endless pier
which looms above a blinding sea
where serpents hound incessantly.
The sky above, particle reign,
atoms split and climate change:
they vomit forth on geiger's count,
while poets prose and God's denounce.
I'll run my hands along the rails,
leaving steaks and vibrant trails
of passive light that lingers there,
caught in flux with absence bared.
And when I've left my heart disposed
beneath the leadened box and tow,
I'll cast it to the sickened vast
expanse of wetted ocean past
the crumbled slick of my own palms,
just as worlds collapse in calm.

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