Beautiful Entity Of Nostalgia

The piano softly whispers

A tune a ghost composed

The dead man fears shadow

For it's all he's ever known

And here I am with him

Speaking in a false tone

I feel so comfortable

With this phantom in my home

He's quite the pleasant person

He knows much of the sky

Of its time and its change

And why it's up so high

He's seen so many people

And felt so many stings

He's visited the mountains

And has felt the angel's wings

But here he is, my guest

In an attic of dust

Wasting his infinite

For his object of trust

"The previous owner.."

Says the friendly spectre

"Was my lady and my wife.

Oh how I do miss her..."

"What had become of her?"

I asked him so quietly

"She faced a slow, painful end,

God had taken her from me."

"Though I am not angry,

I know that she is well.

Only those who hold spite

End up fallen in hell."

"Why do you remain here?"

I wondered why he had stayed

"I love feeling her scent,

And seeing what of her remains."

"I miss her so badly.

But in you, I find a friend.

And I hope you take care

Of her memories, until the end.."

And there is my promise

And here is where I have stayed

A man who deserves so much

Will have a wish granted always.


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