A boy who lived upon the shore
With family and friend alike
Always amazed and always free
He had fallen in love with life
From the beginning of his time
He had never shed a tear
For there wasn't any despair
It's all he wanted, all he knew
But then, like any other tale
Darkness came crashing from above
And all that he had come to learn
Was ripped away in an instant
The angry storm raced far away
And the small boy was left alone
Staring blankly out to the sea
Wondering why he was betrayed
The ocean was once called his friend
It had helped raise and nurture him
And suddenly it turns away
And lashes out at its public
Though his family is lost
And his friends have now departed
His eyes show no sign of sorrow
But desperation is revealed...
Many years have passed us by
And the subject of our tale
Has gone through so very much
As he kneels upon the cold earth
Why does he stare at his hands?
What stains them and scorches his soul?
At the same time, his mask fades
Since that day, he has unravelled
After so long, he cannot weep
Not out of joy, but out of pain
His heart has grown too cold
And he has become numb to all
But when he sees a sweet woman
Crying over her sweet, dead child
It is not the corpse that he fears,
But the sight of tears upon her cheeks
He believes it unnatural
These symbols of their despair
He sees the liquid as poison
And its creator the source
He returns to reality
Only to slay the thing he dreads
The generator of these
Primitive sources of relief
All over the country side
He ends the misery of strangers
He believes he is doing good
For the world and its "normal ones"
For he has become infamous
Without knowledge of this concept
It is a perfect example
Of an overlooked boundary
For the line between joy and sorrow is thin,
And we've forgotten where it is placed.
He is destined to roam until he becomes unlucky,
And his false principles turn away from him,
Such as the ocean had once done so long ago...
wow great piece .