A Depressing Nursery Tale

So, where are you my princess?

A figment of innocense

That I must have forgotten

Because I haven't saved you yet

I haven't awakened you

By sharing a simple kiss

My shining armor is rusted

And my sword lost in the mist

Here is your pathetic knight

Who has lost all his splender

As stripped of life as I am

I remain a pretender

To think that you were waiting

That you even existed

And you were so just for me

How foolish can one man be

I'm bleeding caffeine in gallons

I'm not awake, just standing

And staring in your direction

Dreaming of what isn't there

And though melodramatic

To me, these things do matter

But I've stopped believing in you

So your silhouette fades away

And from four years 'til today

I haven't shed tear

With beautiful melodies

I feel empty without you

I doubt I will ever meet you

Nor will I hold you in my arms

Maybe the stars will listen

Because my prayers are screaming

When, where, and why are you?

I'd like to meet you some time.

Rescue me.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Save me.

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beautifulgashofcrimson's picture

I really like this poem. You have talent.