A Million Verses To Have You

February 2013

Although it hurts, could be worse,

at least she fueled the tank to my verse,

scream and curse, lie to hide what's true,

i would trade a million verses to have you,


how to follow up such a girl, i don't know,

which is why when i'm invited out, i won't go,

stay a no show, alone at home playing guitar,

cause me and my chords go back pretty far,


applause, cause me and my verses go way back,

before i knew the true meaning of a girls verbal attack,

long before i even knew what true pain was,

i acted the hero and flew to her cause,


we all have regrets but we live through each,

i'm sure Mario would be fine without Peach,

so go get laid in shade, i'll preach at the beach,

and please each ear with 6 strings in my reach.

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Good write. I am curious

Good write. I am curious though, did you also write music for this?

Silver__lining's picture

only to the music in my head

only to the music in my head

can you hear me now?