This is such a succinct and poignant statement of a universal feeling that, I think, many experience but few can articulate---epsecially as well as you have articulated it here. I remember experiencing that same shocking emotion in early 1978, when, for the first time in my immaturity, the light was emptied of illumination of that which I most wanted to see. I can remember that experience as if it happened yesterday. But I have never seen it expressed so poetically until in this poem today, this poem to which random browsing brought me. I applaud your accomplishment here.
This is such a succinct and
This is such a succinct and poignant statement of a universal feeling that, I think, many experience but few can articulate---epsecially as well as you have articulated it here. I remember experiencing that same shocking emotion in early 1978, when, for the first time in my immaturity, the light was emptied of illumination of that which I most wanted to see. I can remember that experience as if it happened yesterday. But I have never seen it expressed so poetically until in this poem today, this poem to which random browsing brought me. I applaud your accomplishment here.
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
I have to answer this with a
I have to answer this with a Resounding Yes !
Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces