When I was five years old,
everything was unclear you see.
I couldn't understand,
why you recented me.
Everytime you got mad,
criticism came my way.
This didn't just happen once,
it happened everyday.
When I reached age seven,
the belt was no longer an issue.
You used that damn leather strap,
until my body was blue.
Two years had passed,
I was beginning to realize.
You hated me through and through,
I could see it in your eyes.
I'm bleeding on my legs,
and barely reaching age ten.
That switch you used on me,
will soon be my best friend.
Now I'm eleven years old,
my way of thinking is stronger.
But all I could think of
were the beatings, how much longer?
Three years have passed,
your beatings I've put to a halt.
For the abuse I suffered in your care,
MOTHER, its all your fault.
Finally the moment had came,
fourteen years of living in hell.
I'm not your punching bag anymore,
I've learned to reebel.
Another year has passed,
I'm married and pregnant at fifteen.
Three years have gone by,
two children, divorced single mom, at eighteen.
I'm twenty years old now,
I've met another guy.
I'm two month's pregnant,
he left me, why?
At that time I was devastated,
this won't ever happen again.
You've showed me no responsibilities mother,
so I opened my heart, and let another man in.
I'm pregnant with my fourth child,
I just turned twenty three.
But somehow this isn't working,
he too has began to beat me.
The relationship has ended,
but there was something I missed.
Believe it or not, his abuse,
and the anger of him, when he was pissed.
Thats the kind of love I know,
physical and mental abuse.
Because you chose to hurt me,
for your own personal use.
I'm unemployed, without a job,
another problem over these years.
My life has turned out to be unstable,
I feel it everyday as I wipe my tears'.
Now I'm thirty three years old,
one relationship after another.
And the one person I have to thank,
is my dearly beloved mother.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Well as you can see, this si the outcome of the choices we make in our life.... She chose to treat her daughter this way and her daughter just went with whatever chose her to be accepted.. Makes you wonder doesn't it?? Well just believe that what you have read is based on a true story, and that there are ways to make your life better.. The girl in this poem has grown up and is fighting the things that her mother has taught her... Sometimes she succeeds and sometimes she don't.. If someone is abusing you, then tell someone, as you can see, ABUSE can destroy a person future if not dealt with immediatly...
Thank You Readers-God Bless You All