What Love is more stronger than the Love of God?
Could we actually Love someone more than our heart holds for Him.......?
Everlasting Life, and a Son Sacraficed,
the World in our hands, to do right from wrong,
and to stand on our feet, and knock out weakness with strong...
Could we actually Love someone more than our heart holds for Him.......?
Given to us, the ability to live, and let live,
however we choose to do it, is left strickly up to all.
Totally up to Him to make the last call...
Could we actually Love someone more than our heart holds for Him.......?
No one-other Love is worth dying for, than that of God.
A child of God-to be righteuous, we should always defend,
should we die from protecting them, Everlasting Life for us in the End...
Could we actually Love someone more than our heart holds for Him.......?
Residing in Peace, no evil about the grounds of paradise,
the most beautiful things ever seen beyond the human eye,
our strongest Love for God, we have laid our heads down to die.
So I tell you as a message, that will sooth your soul.......?
The only Love worth dying for, Is not the one of that you hold,
only The Love for God, that so many times have been told...!!!
So if you are ever confused and need the ability to understand,
then reach up real high, Our Lord is waiting with opened hands.
To help you through your sadness, and your feeling alone,
and help you see, that God's Love for us is very Strong....!!!!
Author's Notes/Comments:
You see the poem tells that we in our minds often feel that a Love in a different form, is stronger than that of God, that would be our imagination. So we act in ways we think we should, not realizing what we have said or done until its over. It is God who holds that Love strong between the two and it is the two who meets him half way. If one should fail, and not meet God the same, then the Love is gone, the Love that was in-vain. The other feels lost and is unsure as what to do, but needs to understand that the Love they thought was true, was only their imagination breaking through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nancy, Written with a strength of conviction rarely evident in a faith poem.
You give example rather than argument to affect your righteous display.
Interestingly, Love is a Divine emanation and in pure flow can not have category nor level. It is or it isn't.
I have always detested the use of "making love" to equate a carnal act of sensual pleasure, yet the connotation of that phrase is universal and has nothing to do with love.
The Creator can be nothing less that pure love, that is undeniable. I think your poem with its vibrant repeat phrase and its illumination sows that grace with the conviction of a true heart. ~Tim