Connected to the tree limb,
a rope holding an old tire.
There I was screaming,
higher and higher.
I remember everyday,
when I got out from school.
I ran straight to the swing,
that was all so cool.
Cookies and milk,
mom held in her hand.
As I ran past her quickly,
on the swing, I would land.
I could do whatever I wanted,
while I was on that swing.
Laughter and happiness,
is what it would bring.
From my immagination,
I created a theme.
What I wanted as a child,
turned out, Only A Dream.
Author's Notes/Comments:
You know as children we wish for many thing's. I as a child wished for an old tire swing. The poem above only expresses my feeling's of the normal child and their thought's. Thats exactly how I would have wanted it, with a true and lasting memory forever, but it didn't happen that way. Maybe this is what you wished for too!
good piece
this has a richness to it that brings smiles and memories.
It has a quality that seems to return you to another moment in time. ~Tim
Hi Nancy...
Thanks for bringing back a flood of emotions and experiences. I remember as a child those days of swinging wondering what life had in store for me. I too had many dreams and expectations that took many convoluted turns and wtists along the way. I used to love to swing and we had a swing on my front porch. I loved that swing but also hated it. I was the baby of 3 and we had some girls who lived next door who used to just love to come out as soon as they saw me on the swing and knock me off it. It never failed. Every day I got knocked out of that swing at least once. But that didn't stop me. I had a park I used to go to where I could swing as long and as hard as I wanted. I loved to swing. What a great feeling to feel the wind whistle thru my ears and blow thru my hair.
I'm grateful that you wrote this poem and that I get an opportunity to read it. I believe in the power of love working it's way through the universe. I call that power God but other people have other names for it. Had it not been for yuou composing me a Happy Birthday poem and emailing it to me, I would never have discovered this wonderful poem. I'm looking forward to reading through some of your other poems. I am proud and honored that you would do this for me and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the poetry you have added to our site. God bless and keep writing
in light and Spirit