The Queen's Verdict

Life is no game of chess,

The queen is not just a protector but a solitiary soul with the heart of gold and in the armor of the knight,

Her head tall with pride and eyes as deep as the ocean unable to convince the sorrow of the times of unbelonging,

Wanting to find her own place in the world and tired of searching.

God loves all his creations as dearly as he loved her, 

Her silence was a whisper of her soul longing to be ceased by eyes as bright as the sun and arms as protective as mother earth.

Like the sun he came, Like the moon eclipse they became one.

The cries of the white moon stopped by the dark sun and their love encraved in stars.

Their meeting was not destiny, it was the one that changed destiny and beholded towards a tomorrow which only lord along his angels knew existed

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magennij's picture


two very minor corrections,





I love chess.

bishu's picture

A nice beginning.. a refreshing dawn heralding the hues of thing

A nice beginning.. a refreshing dawn heralding the hues of things to come. Welcome to the pospoems clan Smile



Shenia's picture

Thankyou ^_^

Thankyou ^_^