
Hands that heal

Hands that help

Protect, portray and plead

Small. Large, stubby, slender

Aesthetic, Artistic, sensuous, beautiful

Hands that go up in prayer

Hands that speak, hum and sing

Hands that boast power

Hands that sentence, those that grant life

Hands that create a masterpiece

And those that build a spectacle

Hands that kill, wage a war

Wreck devastation

Plunder, rape and torture

Hands that perform miracles, give life to

Imaginations, visions and perceptions

Hands that yield a knife

Relieve the pain as they incise

29 bones and as many joints

34 muscles

3 nerves and 2 blood arcades

Myriad probabilities  


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was reading an inspirational story on the net, it was about a young man who had never held his mothers hands to see how hard she had worked to provide for him. Anyway inspired by it and being a surgeon I wrote this poem. Enjoy 

emmenay's picture


Wonderfully written my dear friend. I enjoyed this very much. May God Almighty bless you.

Muhammad Naveed Ahmed.

Pen name:Emmenay.

Yahoo email ID:Ambitious7

Initials: M.N. Ahmed.