What's on your mind

What’s on your mind?
It asks,
The facebook homepage

What shall I write?
Should I say, all the loved ones
I yearn for
On this joyous day
Living in far off places
Who I can converse with,
And even see, on msn or skype
But cannot hold close, or feel the warmth
Of touch or an embrace

Or should I post
The lingering freshness
Of those, only tangible in dreams
Who left us recollections
And sounds of laughter
Shared in kitchen after tea

Maybe I should write
How my heart aches at happenings
I see, around me
How I long to help the starving orphan,
The reluctant refugee
Battered children
Humanity in need

Maybe I should comment
Why the world is at war?
And chaos reigns supreme
How needless lives are lost on either side
Yet both claiming victory

Or maybe, a link to lighter side of existence
A song on youtube by a stranger
There is enough misery
Why disseminate it further

But then I leave it blank
The space
It cannot fathom
What’s on my mind?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Facebook homepage asking whats on your mind? Well read and enjoy

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Remarkable poetry here my dear friend...I felt like gliding with you on the same wavelength. Kudos!

Muhammad Naveed Ahmed.

Pen name:Emmenay.

Yahoo email ID:Ambitious7

Initials: M.N. Ahmed.