


Ladies and gentlemen,

How to obey every words

When you say

Earth possesses no own light?


I’m sure- it has

Puzzled? No solution?

Let’s have a look-

If the earth has no light,

You are not a part of it, right?




প্রাজ্ঞ সুধীজন,

আমি আপনাদের সব কথা ঠিকঠাক মানতে পারি না।

যেমন আপনারা বলেন-

পৃথিবী নামক গ্রহটির নিজস্ব কোন আলো নেই।


আমি জানি আছে, আলবত আছে।

কি, হিসেব মিলছে না?

আসুন মিলিয়ে দেই সমীকরণ;

ধরা যাক পৃথিবী নামক গ্রহের নিজস্ব কোন আলো নেই,

তবে কি আপনি নিজেকে পৃথিবীর অংশ ভাবেন না?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

25th February 2015 

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bishu's picture

Nice one Dr Shawon !! Last night I was watching.....

"The Theory of Everything" [Oscar nominated film] Once upon a time I was studying Physics with Electronics as my Special Subject.... There are more riddles unanswered than those which have been answered. ~B~



shawon1982's picture

thanks dada

your commnets are always inspiring for me as always.

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon

allets's picture

Definition of Earth


and a definition of "Light" - a pun on the soul/inner light - we are all of the earth, inseparable - a questions poem - defying logic, elevated to the land of philisophy - Star ~




shawon1982's picture


thank you very much. your comment is very much inspiring for me! 

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon