Miraculous Night Divine

"Oh Holy night" it has come to be known

For it is the glorious night

That our Savior is shown


My heart overflows

with joy and reprieve

As I imagine

that night’s beautiful scenery


enchantments dancing

at every flicker of light,

praise and worship

from angels in the air,

anticipating the spiritual gift

that we all shall one day share


Not a single friend or neighbor

had any space for

the blessed Mother in labor


While everyone else

was resting snug in their beds

My Blessed King

was born in a manger instead

awaited and glorified

by angel,man and beast

with visits and gifts

from far away madjai kings


Sweet in his Mother’s bosom

is King of all sagas

Known as the Blessed Messiah,

King, Alpha, and Omega


mutiny by ally,

rejected by Pharisees

quickly cursed to death

by the local king

who was threatened by the lingering DNA

from David’s righteous seed.


Such a night filled

with mystery and intrigue

forever love and sanctification

to the elite who believe



I sit in peace and awe

as I rest my eyes

and Imagine the marvel

of that miraculous night divine.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For your Bithday Lord. #HeLIVES#

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I like this poem very much. 

I like this poem very much.  Going to send you a PM in regard to it.
