WE are ONE Nation




From 'One Nation Under God' to 'I Have A Dream'

To a simple vote becoming a popular scheme,

We now learn that ALL that we have been thorough has meant EVERYTHING,


From our suffering to our tears,

It was through our hope that we endured our fears,

And we let our enemies know that we'll ALWAYS be here,


With all the historic background of trial and tribulation,


We suffered it all together as ' ONE NATION'


In war WE'VE bled.

And in slavery we fled,

YET on November 4, 2008

We came together and chanted 'YES WE CAN!'


Through our biggest travesties like 9,11

To the capture of Saddam,

Us coming together heart to heart and palm to palm

Proved how together we can conquer it all


I still know within myself that when evil is running

That good and truth will go chasing,

And in result we will see that we are brother’s sisters of ALL races,

Right here in this 'ONE NATION'


Now there is hope in me that we all will see,

That whether rich or wealthy or poor and struggling,

Rather you speak proper or slang,

That when our nation was in turmoil we all suffered though not the same


From the flood waters of Katrina to the uprising in foreclosures,

These past few years we've seen one disaster after another,

And we went through it all, ALL together,


And remember that when our nation was down because of crime, depression, recession and trauma,

 It was YOU, my nation, OUR NATION, that waited in those unbearable long lines and chanted 'YES WE CAN' and elected our 1st black president BARACK OBAMA

Author's Notes/Comments: 

...written very quickly, I wrote this poem within minutes directly after Obama was named president years ago. it was MY way to mark the event. 

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saiom2's picture

  may we become a nation of


may we become a nation of universal nonviolence, compassion for the poor, providing food clothing shelter and supplies for all

.... a nation of integrity... a nation in which money no longer is involved in elections

SWA's picture



allets's picture

Nations Within A Nation

Equity will be hard to apportion with one nation's wealth in the hands if 1% of the usa people. Warren Buffet aproaching 88 billion and 40% of usa children are mal-nourished. usa's debt is 27 trillion bucks, deficit is 1.3 trillion. Tribes are fighting over scraps.  4 years of Trump helped unite us at gun point. I celebrated Obama too. Here's hoping Georgia can deliver 2 Democrats to the Senate so Covid relief can keep folks housed and fed this winter.

This is the worst of times. 



SWA's picture


Preach on!!❤️

SSmoothie's picture

Such wonderful hope and

Such wonderful hope and unity! Beautiful!  If only we could go back there to that place just before... 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

SWA's picture

Thanks for your time!

So glad u enjoyed it! thank you so much for reading it! lol not my best work, but one of my favs! i also wish we could go back to that place at times! <3

allets's picture


Erased by racists

after the fact

can not remove

the history.


Backlash is history too

as is exclusivity and bigotry.

We could but we don't

for long.




Written quickly remembering the little girl shot by a police officer for playing with a toy gun. 





SWA's picture


Love it! quck but but not simple, yet to the point. Not bad at all...

allets's picture

I Have Flourishes

Of anger and it spills over into everything, writing, encounteres, more writing. I know we will get thorugh whatever comes at us - we work together when we are challenged as a nation. That is nothing to be ashamed or embarrased about! - A positive poem. May we get a great candidate we can all support in 2020. - :D



SWA's picture


I agree FULLY. And i also hope the same thing. *fingers crossed* im so glad you enjoyed it. On a site like this, thats FULL of so MANY talented writers, it REALLY REALLY warms heart whenever ANYONE has ANYTHING to say about my work. Thans SO MUCH and take care!