The Pain that Haunts You

You want to run from it

But no matter where you run you cant escape it

It haunts you alone

In a silent dream

You want to turn away

Put it all back in the past

But what is not forgotten is always with you

And it will never leave

It’s too late to apologize now

Things have changed

and they will never be the same

you sit alone.

Thinking, remembering

As your mind is clouded

By thoughts of pain

As it tears you apart

The lies, the fears

The confusion, the tears

I can’t find a way to live with myself

I’ve forgotten how to be me

Some how I feel that,

That part of me is lost,

gone forever,

and without you, I can never get it back

Without you I don’t feel like livin

But when I’m with you I feel like dyin

I can’t decide if I should

Love you or hate you

Cuz no matter how much I can’t stand bein me

You always find away to make it worse,

Find a way to get away with it

No one notices my pain

and the pain won’t go away

It eats a way at me deep down inside

Living this life

Day after day

Keeps breaking my heart apart

Piece by piece

Until I have nothing

Am nothing

Feel nothing

Nothing, but worthlessness

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Julie Kulky's picture

You forgot how to be you? All you gotta do is not follow the crowd, i don't know what kind of person you are but if you wear low cut clothes- stop cuz guys would be attractedt to that and think your a slut if you wear loose comfortable clothes- YOU GO GIRL! your not afraid of what people think! try hard to remember what you were like as a kid and be like that- if you have a belief in a god follow him/her and his rules/commandments whatever!

Unidentified Girl's picture

this was really good.. I can really relate..