Another Goodbye

Secular Poetry

Standing on the doorstep

Silent tears cascade down her face

As she watches him go-

He's leaving her in peace.

His choices have led them both this far

But only he can finish the journey.

He doesn't know how much he's hurt her-

He only knows his own pain.

She looks up to the clouds

Gray with the threat of rain.

Staring down the road,

Laughter of the past echoes in her young ears.

She remembers his smile,

How he made her laugh with just a look.

A wound deeper than ever imagined

Is opening within her heart;

This is the most painful day of her life.

The only life she so desires

Is the one he walked calmly out of.

She steps down and sits on the stair

Waiting for him to turn around,

To come back to her.

Twenty minutes of painful silence pass-

No one comes and no one goes

On the dreary road before her.

Standing again,

She knows in her heart he's truly gone.

A sudden desperate cry rents the air

As she drops to her knees,

Sobbing into her hands.

"Don't leave,"

She whispers quietly

"Please, don't leave me."

The pitter-patter of raindrops can be heard against the pavement

The wind whispers softly in her ear,

The quiet rains sing to her soul.

She looks to the sky once more,

Remembering nights

Early in July

Lying with their backs to the ground

And their eyes upon the nighttime sky

Watching the stars twinkle so deceptively.

She remembers Christmas morn,

So joyous and bright-

Nothing but memories

Fading into the darkness.

Her heart fills with sadness

As her eyes fill with tears.

She knows she is strong,

Yet she wonders if she can handle this pain-

Just an emptiness inside her heart,

A cold place left untouched for the rest of her life.

Silently she rises to her feet

And turning her face to the wind

She enters the house,

Closes the door to the past

And opens a window to the future.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~written 8/28/01

*Daddy, this one's for you.

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fighter4life's picture

This is such a powerful poem, I love it.

Jonathan George's picture

I seriously wanted to cry while reading this... It's beautifully written, so very detailed. I enjoyed it thoroughly... Just thought I'd let you know that :)