One Foot Forward

As I travel through life

There are always those times

When decisions just have to be made

When the choices are hard

And solutions seem scarce

And the rain seems

To soak my parade!

There are some situations

When all I can do

Is to simply let go and move on

Gather courage together

And choose a direction

That carries me t'ward a new dawn

So I pack up my troubles

And take a step forward

The process of change can be tough

Rest  my soul in a cloud

And think of the excitement ahead

If I can be stalwart enough!

There could be adventures

I never imagined

Just waiting around the next bend

And wishes and dreams

Just about to come true

In ways I can't comprehend!

Perhaps I'll find friendships

That spring from new faces

If yours was denied to me now

And search for the kinships

Which want my soft heart

To never be broken like now.

Perhaps you'll find warmth, affection and caring

A "somebody special" who's tough

To help you stay centered

And listen with interest

Because mine was just not enough

Perhaps you'll find comfort

In knowing that I was

Supportive of all that you are

Who now believes that what

Decisions you make,

Are the right ones for you, by far!

So I'll  put one foot forward, too

And let go of my dreams of you

For, there's a brighter tomorrow

Which will erase all this sorrow

I can't look behind me-

Because that's what you denied me!

I'll put away  this  mourning

And greet others gently,

I will invite them to stay on,

Be grateful for all who come

Because each has been sent

As a guide from beyond.

Maria Lia G. 2002

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David Richardson's picture

Beautifully written with so much grace and charm. Sometimes what life hands us is not very pleasant-we have just pick ourselves up and move on for the true beauty in life is life itself. Never waste a fleeting moment of it for life whizzes by like a supersonic jet and, if we do not pay attention,will be too old and gray with no willpower or physical ability to do anything. Thank you for sharing this inspiring poem with me my lady and have a very beautiful and very safe weekend. Take care.

Dave Richardson

Ozjan Yeshar's picture

That is another great poem. I did enjoy it a lot. Keep your pen active. Cheers.