

Please, sit down, my friend

For, I know that you are weak
The horror of the world
Was a far cry from the joy you seek
But take another look, my friend
This time, not through opaque eyes
The world can be good, Isabella
It's just a blessing in disguise 
Author's Notes/Comments: 

For an old friend who lost her way 

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you are a

great friend

and a great and inspired poet

welcome to postpoems



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Sgdoherty's picture

Thank you

for such a warm welcome and for being so kind

deepinyourdreams's picture

That's a good bit of Fairy

That's a good bit of Fairy tale,  now isn't it


Sgdoherty's picture

Yes but everyone needs a good

Yes but everyone needs a good bit of fairy tale in their life. If only to make the days brighter.